Donate to the Upson Regional Health Foundation Today

Through your tax-deductible donations, the Foundation provides critical financial support for patient care in Thomaston, Georgia and the surrounding communities. Your donations have a direct impact on the delivery of quality healthcare for our community.

Although it is not required, we suggest setting up an account on our website. Setting up an account will give you the ability to set-up recurring donations and be able to view and print your giving history.

If you have an account, please login before making a donation. If you are a new user, create an account.

Would you prefer to make a gift by phone or mail? Call (706) 647-8111 extension 1352 between the hours of 8:30 am – 5 pm, or make checks payable to Upson Regional Health Foundation and mail to: 801 West Gordon Street, Thomaston, Ga. 30286.